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Thursday, January 19, 2006

eden pure heat

Received the Eden Pure model 500 heater. It's expensive for a space heater and advertises even floor to ceiling heating. This, of course, is in an idealized room.

The heater was easy to set up - pull out of box, adjust thermostat and turn on. The first thing I noticed was the noise of the fan and the hell-glow from within (its heating elements). The glow is not bad but the fan noise is a little unnerving as it's constant and, though not extremely loud, can be heard even when playing music at a medium level (46 decibels) in my 500 square foot room.

The EdenPure did successfully raise the temperature of the floor in my room by about 5 degrees and at a higher (chest) level raised the temperature by about 8 degrees. I'm not sure how accurate my digital timer, thermometer, clock is but temps were 56 degrees at the floor level and around 59 at chest level. Normally, this room would be 51-52 degrees, a couple degrees above where the thermostat is set, 50 degrees.

Probably need to do more tests but my initial assessment is that the heater can add about 5 degrees of warmth to my room if I run it continually, at the cost of dealing with fan noise.

Ideally, I'd like to know what a cheap ($80) space heater would achieve in this room. One web review
suggested the Lakewood LAKQTV22 Utility Heater, which I might buy and compare with this one.


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